INCONSISTENCY and true healing

kerry brock

INCONSISTENCY and true healing

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Along with a lot of other words, inconsistent could be used for this year (and if were talking about words that could describe this year check out @brittany_barbera’s post about that, look for the crown and read that post).

My packaging has be vastly inconsistent with my usual suppliers being out of stock of all sorts of things. In an effort to get product out to customers at all, I’ve had to compromise branding and consistency. So far, you folks have been so very gracious. I’m so thankful for that.

With the launch of my new website, came a new, simplified, logo. The packaging labeling has been (and will continue to be) a long, slow transition. It is an expensive prospect to just dump the old labels and have new printed up. Not to mention a great waste. Thank you for your grace, again, as these things transition.

By the way; if you get an “old” label, this does not on any terms mean you are getting old product. Everything is made in tiny batches to ensure quality.

As a self-employed individual, you often are bidding time decerning priorities. There are endless possibilities, opportunities and decisions. That can be a blessing and curse. But there are pros and cons to any job or situation in life, I suppose.

Priorities for me is that you know that I try my best to have quality, herbal products that reflect the importance that Christ is the great Healer (no matter what the packaging looks like). I hope that you are reminded to trust His Word. And I hope that you continue to lean into His healing that He offers you; a healing that is complete and eternal.
You are loved

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