Calendula Herb Report Class

kerry brock

Calendula Herb Report Class

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Calendula is one of my favorite herbs for promoting skin health! It is also a gorgeous flower and very easy to grow in your garden. The seeds are generally easy to find where ever you buy seeds.

Sometimes Calendula called ‘marigold’ or ‘pot marigold’. Though a different genus, Marigolds (Latin name: tagetes) and Calendula (Latin: Calendula officinalis) do share the same plant family of the Asteraceae.

Growing Calendula

Calendula is very easy to grow in your garden when started by seeds after danger of frost. You can usually find Calendula plants at your local nursery, as well.

You can easily save seed from the spent flower tops to plant again next year. But they often self seed, which is a bonus!

How to Use Calendula

Learn how to grow, harvest, preserve and use calendula flowers as a natural remedies for many skin complaints and much more. Register for my Calendula class here.

This class is designed to be an in-depth dive into the medical properties, chemical constituents and practical application of this specific herb. You’ll get some fun historical notes, tips on growing/harvesting, and what preparations are typically the best for utilizing calendulas natural wellness properties to your advantage.

Class Registration Closing Soon

Class registration is closing soon! Check the full, fall schedule HERE and make sure to secure your spot for the online zoom class.

Looking forward to sharing some of my 20 years of herbal experience with you!

Blessings in Christ, Kerry

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