Meet: Naomi Kilbreth, Christian Clinical Herbalist

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Meet: Naomi Kilbreth, Christian Clinical Herbalist

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Today I want to introduce you to an online friend I have followed for about 4-5 years now. Naomi is very passionate about helping individuals get to the root cause of health issues and helping people to thrive in wellness. She has tons of experience and knowledge, which she shares readily on her podcast; The Family Herbalism Podcast. I asked Naomi to share a bit about herself in this post below so you all could get to know her. Consider reaching out to her on her website, via email and follow her on Instagram.

Now, here is Naomi:

Hey there! My name is Naomi Kilbreth, and I am a Christian Clinical Herbalist. I live in rural Maine with my husband and our four kids in our self-built, off-grid home. Herbalism was introduced to me at a young age, by a midwife I was shadowing in my teens. When I had my first child, I receive my first lesson in home herbalism, making comfrey ice packs for afterbirth care. I was so taken by how well they worked that I had to explore and learn about comfrey more. One thing led to another, and nearly 17 years later I get to help others discover the wonders of plant medicine.

As a clinical herbalist, I meet with people one-on-one to learn their story, their hopes for life, their everyday experience being in their body. I gather information about their history, their tissue state, their personality, their symptoms, and I put it all together to help them build a wellness plan that encompasses nutrition, lifestyle choices, and herbal medicine that is highly customized to their life. No two wellness plans look alike.

Some folks who come to see me are comfortable with herbal medicine and simply want guidance in choosing herbs. Others are at the beginning of their wellness journey and need more support. I might see a client one time or see them every month for a couple of years, it depends on what they want and need. Frequently, when the issue they came to see me for is resolved, they want to see what’s possible and we move on to their next priority until they are feeling like a new person!

Text support is another service I offer for those who want to have an herbalist on speed dial. Text support is great for questions like, “is it okay to take that herb with this medication?” Or “I found this plant in my backyard, can I make it into a tea?” Or “my child has an ear infection, how can I treat them at home?” Being able to text an herbalist for simple questions that can save you hours of research or an unneeded trip to the doctors can be invaluable support for many!

Occasionally I will offer virtual classes, such as on how to learn about your body’s state of health by looking at your tongue, or in-person classes, such as how to blend teas. During the summer I offer herb walks to help people grow their confidence in identifying medicinal weeds. All current events are listed on my website. And finally, I also offer education through my podcast, The Family Herbalism Podcast, found on all major podcast platforms and on my website.

I love my job! My heart swells to walk alongside people as they learn and grow and heal, and I get to watch them step from a place of discouragement or hesitant hope to confidence, joy, and a refreshed trust and belief in the world that God created. I have seen amazing healing experiences. People with chronic viruses, pain, fatigue, and allergies. People with hypertension, high blood sugar, infertility, gallstones, infections, rashes, anxiety, depression, digestive issues… the list goes on and on! All improved, some feeling completely healed, because of all the work they did, and I get to be a part of it. It certainly makes you want to praise God to see how perfectly he designed our bodies to heal when we provide them with the right building blocks.

If you are curious about herbal medicine, or perhaps you have been working with herbs for many years, but you would like more support in your health journey, I would love to work with you. You can learn more about my work by visiting my website or emailing me directly, and you can also find me on Instagram.

May God bless you on your journey to healing.

Naomi Kilbreth, RH(AHG)
Laurel Tree Wellness, LLC
871 Court Street Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 754-8875

I am in no way monetizing from sharing info about Naomi, her and my own opinions are our own. There is no pressure or obligation for you to utilize her services.

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